You know the day destroys the night Night divides the day Tried to run Tried to hide Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Chased our pleasures here Dug our treasures there Can you still recall Time we cried Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side
Wow! Wow!
Everybody loves my baby Everybody loves my baby She get She get She get She get...high
I found an island in your arms Country in your eyes Arms that chain us Eyes that lie Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Break on through, ow! Ohh yeah !
Yeah, made the scene Week to week Day to day Hour to hour The gate is straight Deep and wide
Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side
Uf, ovo je komplikovano i tesko. Jesi procitao "U2 by U2"? Oni su se rezisli s Enom jos ranije jer nisu htjeli da on bude "drug clan". Nisu htjeli da ga potpisu kao muzicara, samo kao producenta. I "otjerali" su ga. Na "All That You Can Leave Behind" albumu im se Eno ponovo, nakon pauze pridruzio (od tog omota sam napravio scenu, "made the scene:)))" na fotografiji).
Mislim da iza odluke da se Eno vrati (a i Mr Licim-Na-Jack- Nikolsona-Lenois) ima puno toga sto ti, a ni ja, ne zelimo da znamo. Jel´ nam treba to da poslusamo koncherto fantastiko iz Sarajeva a da se ne najezimo? Meni ne! Mozda sam "veliki", ali u Deda Mraza moram vjerovati.
5 kommentarer:
You know the day destroys the night
Night divides the day
Tried to run
Tried to hide
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Chased our pleasures here
Dug our treasures there
Can you still recall
Time we cried
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Everybody loves my baby
Everybody loves my baby
She get
She get
She get
She get...high
I found an island in your arms
Country in your eyes
Arms that chain us
Eyes that lie
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Break on through, ow!
Ohh yeah !
Yeah, made the scene
Week to week
Day to day
Hour to hour
The gate is straight
Deep and wide
Break on through to the other side
Break on through to the other side
Lenois promises 'Innovative' songs on new U2 album... ReadMore.
One thing should be made clear intitially and that is that I never was a nr 1 fan but I always have enjoyed their music (speaking of U2) and respected their work. As a band with such a renomé in their discographic bagadge, long history of success, not only within music but even on many other levels (not least their dedication in world politics and agency against social injustice), coming from an island that resembles, oh so much, of where our own pain and joy are coming from, with such experience causing the polygamic marriage between conscious, awakening and heart tearing poems, rythms and melodies solely by the power of musical muscle memory that for a long, long time has been carved deep into their souls and infused into their backbones, these notorious "Rock and Roll Hall of Famers" have "Made the scene", that's for sure! However, it feels somewhat melancholic that they would have to share "their" songwriting with Lenois and Eno in order to maintain the scene. Why? Well my reasons are perhaps paltry and trivial but I believe that their "own" story, their "own" voice, their "own" experiences of pain and joy when coded and diffused with music as a communication mediator might just be slightly more interesting to me than what kind of "momentum" is buildt up and what kind of "chemistry" Lenois and Eno feel exists between them two. With that I do not wish to say that the music they (Lenois and Eno and all the other big shot producers in the world such as Bob Rock and Rick Rubin etc) make would be bad or something like that. On the contrary, their experience too counts and I'm sure thay the music they make is great. But here we have to put things in perspective since we're talking about a band that share a certain history and frame of reference, a lifetime of this and that under the umbrella of their union. And the key thing here is that they have proven to be enough of a musicians to express and share with the world whatevere there is that they wanna share and that the world wants to know about them (and through the art as symbolic framgent of cultural accounts, as through the everyday encounters with people that sorround us, we learn a great deal about ourselves). How, then, could anyone else be more suitable for expressing and mediating "their" subjective experience of joy and pain? Or I can put it this way - I would never think of building a housbuilders house or painting a painters living room because I know that even my best attempts would never live up to the worst outcomes of their work. Music producers and sound engeneers should exercise whetever skill they posess within the realm of producing and sound engeneering but leave the music to the musicians. It would nevertheless be quite interesting to know what exactly persuaded U2 to engage in such agreement - I mean concidered the artistic integrity and all? Or perhaps it might be something that I don't wanna know? Has Californication got to us all? Are all attempts to struggle against the strong currents of cultural Western "which way signs" and the rules of how the game is played just being meaningless and futile? Are the currents of the rules of the game so strong that if we refuse to comply and obey we simply get excluded and flushed down into the abyss of oblivion as just another shade of brown that our society shits out. Well excuse me but I don't think so and I am pretty convinced that a whole society of U2 fans and other music lovers would agree with that.
Al' fotka ubija!
Uf, ovo je komplikovano i tesko.
Jesi procitao "U2 by U2"? Oni su se rezisli s Enom jos ranije jer nisu htjeli da on bude "drug clan". Nisu htjeli da ga potpisu kao muzicara, samo kao producenta. I "otjerali" su ga. Na "All That You Can Leave Behind" albumu im se Eno ponovo, nakon pauze pridruzio (od tog omota sam napravio scenu, "made the scene:)))" na fotografiji).
Mislim da iza odluke da se Eno vrati (a i Mr Licim-Na-Jack- Nikolsona-Lenois) ima puno toga sto ti, a ni ja, ne zelimo da znamo. Jel´ nam treba to da poslusamo koncherto fantastiko iz Sarajeva a da se ne najezimo? Meni ne! Mozda sam "veliki", ali u Deda Mraza moram vjerovati.
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