09 April 2008

Too Much To Think Last Night

Too Much To Think Last Night

7 kommentarer:

Igor said...


Another rainy day in hell
I know I'm trippin'
but I'm doin' well
I had too much to drink
n too much to think last night
but when imagination
comes to an end
n we gotta stop
to lie n pretend
I'm feelin' sick,
I need a kick tonight

Alcohol, when u need somebody
Alcohol, when u love somebody
Alcohol, if u're feelin' lonely

sex, drugms n our wicked dreams
the things that make us feel
the road to hell is ahead of us
so come on baby ride with me

Now tie me up n
wrap me in your
dress of dirty sin
swollow the seeds
n kiss me as I bleed
Your nails tearing off my skin


Igor said...

I sve bi to bilo normalno da meni onako dok kuckam tekst Alohol za komentar gore istovremeno nije izasao Gmail prozor, dole u desnom uglu, i u njemu poruka sa subject-om: "Meet the New Master Distiller at Jack Daniel's Bottle Signing".
Ne trebam se vise ni truditi, svi krugovi bivaju savrseni i imaju sposobnost da se sami zatvaraju.

ReadMore o Masteru.
Kupi Alcohol.

Anonymous said...

Uh chitam o "Master-u" njegovo ime "Jeff Arnett" mi nekako sablasno slichno imenu "Jeff Ament"... chitam dalje... kad ono josh jedan veteran distiller poznat kao George Stone... rekoh samo da kazhem ovako - Gossard! Krugovi se zatvaraju i otvaraju i granice se brishu i mijenjaju i kontekstualni kaleidoskop nasheg mindscape-a, chini mi se, nikada nije bio vitalniji (bez ikakvih subliminalnih povezivanja sa "Vitalogy") i dinamicjniji.
A shta je onda ovo? "Scenes from Lynchburg bottle". Nisam znao da imaju ovu seriju. Hehehe, znash ono - landscape, soundscape, mindscape... Jackscape...:))))

....shto se tiche onog "kupi Alcohol"! Jel' to blog postao reklamni biro? Hehehehe, ono nema systembolaget vishe monopol na alkohol... sad se i CDON upleo u taj dirty bussiness. Shta ches buraz, internalizacija, globalizacija... a raja voli ljuto!
Haj dobro:))))

Igor said...

Jackscape :))))
Jedan taj Jackscape smo zajedno ti i ja potrosili jos jesenas. Izgleda da ti je dobro sjeo dok ga se ne sjecas :))) To su one boce koje umjesto obicne etikete imaju slike pejsaza oko destilerije i mogu se kupiti samo u "White Rabbit-u" u Lynchburg-u (pop. 361).

Jeff Ament = Pearl Jam basista
Stone Gossard = Pearl Jam gitarista
Vitalogy = Pearl Jam 3. album kao i SamSvojDoktor knjiga.

Anonymous said...

hehehe izgleda bash da mi je sjeo... ali smo mi toliko toga probal kod tebe da sam trebao voditi dnevnik da bih se mogao sjetiti svega - sjechash li se samo nochi poslije Mackmyre kad smo nastavili sa isprobavanjima pet razlichitih vrsta viskija na onoj istoj papirnoj viski-mapi shto smo ponijeli iz Mackmyre i zasladjivali sa podsvjesnim mislima o chedar siru koji smo ustvari zaboravili da iznesemo na sto i epilog sa solo bubanj tachkom na tvom kompjuteru... mislim sve i da mi jeste sjechanje dobro teshko je sve to upamtiti... ali je jedna stvar ostala urezana, vishe u mesu ("in my flesh" shto bi Eddie rekao) - (???) - dakle vishe u mesu nego u sjechanju a to je sentiment - opet - osjechaj i shtimung tih dana druzenja osmijeha i besmrtnih anekdota!

Interesantno je da na Amazonu za SamSvojDoktor knjigu pishe da je jedan od autora Jeff Ament :))) Oni nisu normalni - a original napisan 1899 i reprinted 1930. Hehehehe. Mozhda su ovi linkovi bolji:




Haj' eto, zhivio i vidimo se negdje gdje kao SCENA iz memorije zivi slika vrijedna hiljadu rijechi!

Metropolis, Pt. 1: The Miracle And The Sleeper"

The smile of dawn
Arrived early May
She carried a gift from her
The night shed a tear
To tell her of fear
And of sorrow and pain
She'll never outgrow

Death is the first dance, eternal

There's no more freedom
The both of you will be
confined to this mind

I was told there's a miracle for
each day that I try
I was told there's a new love
that's born for each one that
has died
I was told there'd be no one to
call on when I feel alone and
I was told if you dream of the
next world
You'll find yourself swimming
in a lake of fire

As a child, I thought I could
live without pain without
As a man I've found it's all
caught up with me
I'm asleep yet I'm so afraid

Somewhere like a scene from a
There's a picture worth a
thousand words
Eluding stares from faces
before me
It hides away and will never be
heard of again

Deceit is the second without end

The city's cold blood teaches us
to survive
Just keep my heart in your eyes
and we'll stay alive

The third arrives...

Before the leaves have fallen
Before we lock the doors
There must be the third and
last dance
This one will last forever
Metropolis watches and
thoughtfully smiles
She's taken you to your home

It can only take place
When the struggle between
our children has ended
Now the Miracle and the
Sleeper know that the third
is love

Love is the Dance of Eternity


Igor said...

Metropolis Pt. 2: SCENES from a Memory

...kao i Stains na tepihu i Stains u pamchenju!

Anonymous said...

hehehe...imam i pt 2 kuchi... ako te interesuje:))

a shto se tiche "Stains"... svi znaju da im je kratak rok trajanja - u svakom sluchaju ako uzmemo u obzir vjechnost. Chak i krvavocrveni tepisi od lesheva imaju svoj pochetaki kraj, svoj pre- i postludium... i onda zaborav... nishta... nishta sebe nishti... I zato mi moramo uz pomoch ovih retroaktivnih recenzija podebljavati konture scena iz memorije - da ih nadahnemo sa josh samo par godina zhivota:))) I zbog toga je josh vazhnije koje scene odabiramo za podebljavanje - ta odluka je isto tako odluchujucha o tome kako nam izgleda sentiment nasheg sutra.