09 November 2008

Even Better Than The Real Thing

My heart is where it's always been

22 kommentarer:

Igor said...

Even Better Than The Real Thing

Give me one more chance
And you'll be satisfied
Give me two more chances
You won't be denied
Well my heart is where it's always been
My head is somewhere in between
Give me one more chance
Let me be your lover tonight

You're the real thing
Yeah the real thing
You're the real thing
Even better than the real thing

Give me one last chance
And I'm gonna make you sing
Give me half a chance
To ride on the waves that you bring
You're honey child to a swarm of bees
Gonna blow right through you like a breeze
Give me one last dance
We'll slide down the surface of things

You're the real thing
Yeah the real thing
You're the real thing
Even better than the real thing

We're free to fly the crimson sky
The sun won't melt our wings tonight

Oh now...here she comes
Take me higher
You take me higher

You're the real thing
Yeah the real thing
You're the real thing
Even better than the real thing


Anonymous said...

Jel' ovo rastjerasmo vegetarijance :)

Anonymous said...

Odlichna fotka!!!

Anonymous said...

Pa ja! Ovo je srce od one ribe iz ribarske priche... "Kol'ku sam ribu upec'o...'volko joj oko bilo...".

Izvinjavam se na pogresnom odrazu ;)

Anonymous said...

Kakve je boje srce?

Anonymous said...

"Srce nije crveno - nego sivo i zuto!"

Anonymous said...

..."Sa sedam kora"

Anonymous said...

"... Ne bih da zaprljam ruke!"

Anonymous said...

"matters of the heart that root you in the heart of the matter"

"Have we become so insensitive to the heart's voice that now only the shock of terrible loss will awaken us from the sleep of reason - a sleep in which we have forgotten that the heart has its reasons that reson does not know"
(Paula M Reeves: 2003 "Heart Sense")

Anonymous said...

"my heart is where it's always been
My head is somewhere in between"


Anonymous said...

i onda na to sve

"The sun won't melt our wings tonight"

kao reinterpretacija Daidalosovih rijechi da se josh koji krugich lagano zatvori...
...fino bogami, elegantno!

Igor said...

Ma ja, zna Bono...

Anonymous said...

Shta je ba ovo? Volovo? Teleche? Krmeche? Predpostavljam da je za kobasice? Odakle slika? Ko slik'o? Dobra slika!

Igor said...

Ovo ti ostane kad jaganjci utihnu :)

Nije za kobasice :))) Ha ha ha, nasmija me pravo. Nije. Namjenski je kupljeno za SJJJ.

Ha cuj ko je slik'o! Kakva su to pitanja :))
Jesi is'o na Behind The Kalsonger skoro?

Anonymous said...

aaaa namjenski - pa ti nisi normalan - haj' odoh na BTK

Anonymous said...


Koja interpretacija sentimenta "As Privileged As A Whore". Svaka chast. Ovu zelim u original formatu da je izradim i stavim sebi u kancelariju.


Igor said...

Razmislicu o tome ;)

Anonymous said...

dok razmishljash, evo ti ovo:

Tick Tack

Tick tack
Min pacemaker går som ett Click track
Min vilopuls vinner en biljakt
McQueen och McGraw i en dödspakt

Tick tack
De köper upp mark i min hjärttrakt
Allt är drömt, allt är gjort
Allt är redan sagt, allt är tänkt
Allt är upptäckt och kartlagt

Jag vänder vapnet mot mig själv
Era applåder dränker allt
Pengar är tid
(jag förlorar, förlorar tid)

Gör honnör för idiotens
moln av sedlar i fritt fall
Pengar är tid
(jag förlorar tid, förlorar tid)

Inatt kan jag se vintergatan
Och du är missnöjd med ditt liv
Och i paniken när du vaknar
Hör du klockorna som går?

Tick tack
Allt är skivat och sockrat
Och upplagt
Allt är minus och plus, på en skala
Säg tack och förlåt och betala

Tick tack
Ditt hjärta behöver en livvakt
Allt är tänkt, allt är gjort
Allt är redan sagt, allt är drömt
Allt är upptäckt och kartlagt

Han blir jesus när han dricker
En sen natt i Helsingfors
Pengar är tid
(jag förlorar tid)

Det finns väl gränser?
Herregud, hans ögon brinner, går i kors
Pengar är tid
(jag förlorar tid, förlorar tid)

Och huliganerna på gatan
De krossar allting i sin väg
Och är det enklare att hata
Än att tiden bara går?

Tick tack


Anonymous said...


oh i miss the kiss of treachery
the shameless kiss of vanity
the soft and the black and the velvety
up tight against the side of me
and mouth and eyes and heart all bleed
and run in thickening streams of greed
as bit by bit it starts the need
to just let go
my party piece

oh i miss the kiss of treachery
the aching kiss before i feed
the stench of a love for a younger meat
and the sound that it makes
when it cuts in deep
the holding up on bended knees
the addiction of duplicities
as bit by bit it starts the need
to just let go
my party piece

i never said i would stay to the end
so i leave you with babies and hoping for frequency
screaming like this in the hope of the secrecy
screaming me over and over and over
i leave you with photographs
pictures of trickery
stains on the carpet and
stains on the scenery
songs about happiness murmured in dreams
when we both us knew
how the ending would be...

so it's all come back round to breaking apart again
breaking apart like i'm made up of glass again
making it up behind my back again
holding my breath for the fear of sleep again
holding it up behind my head again
cut in deep to the heart of the bone again
round and round and round
and it's coming apart again
over and over and over

now that i know that i'm breaking to pieces
i'll pull out my heart
and i'll feed it to anyone
crying for sympathy
crocodiles cry for the love of the crowd
and the three cheers from everyone
dropping through sky
through the glass of the roof
through the roof of your mouth
through the mouth of your eye
through the eye of the needle
it's easier for me to get closer to heaven
than ever feel whole again

i never said i would stay to the end
i knew i would leave you with babies and everything
screaming like this in whole of sincerity
screaming it over and over and over
i leave you with photographs
pictures of trickery
stains on the carpet
stains on the memory
songs about happiness murmured in dreams
when we both of us knew
how the end always is

how the end always is...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I wanna feel somethin

If you're tellin me Im not on fire
You're just preachin to the choir
I've gotten dull as old barbed wire from livin
Last night I watched the evening news
It was the same ol nothin new
It should have cut me right in two
But it didnt
I don't know why

But I wanna feel somethin
Somethin thats a real somethin
That moves me, that proves to me I'm still alive
I wanna heart that beats and bleeds
A heart that's bustin at the seams
I wanna care, I wanna cry, I wanna scream
I just wanna feel somethin

If youre tellin me thats just how it is
I dont buy it cause once I was kissed
By a red-headed girl with cherry lips
On her porch when I was sixteen
And I felt it somewhere in my soul and time stood still and I couldnt let go
I can't tell you cause I don't know how I got so cold
When did I get so cold

Chorus: I just wanna feel somethin
Somethin thats a real somethin
That moves me, that proves to me I'm still alive
Run my fingers through your fingers, across your face and through your hair
And close my eyes and breathe you in like air
I just wanna feel somethin

I hate that I'm jaded and I make you cry
But still you stick around me, only God knows why
Damn it all to hell, Im done
Cause I dont like what I've become
So come here, baby
Come here, baby

(Repeat Chorus)

Come here, baby


Anonymous said...
