18 November 2008

Through The Mouth Of Your Eye

Through the eye of the needle

14 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...


"I'll pull out my heart and I'll feed it to anyone"

Ova moze i na onaj post od 9 nov. Nema veze ja chu ga prilipiti!

Igor said...

:)) Moze, moze...

Imam jos "par" slika sa hercikom pa ce bit' i to. Dobra ideja!

Anonymous said...

Imam jednu za ono "fast forward":)) Kontam, poshto nije vishe "paus" nego hajka! A svi mi imamo takvih ili slichnih problema:)) Ne bih da zaprljam tvoju misao i vjerujem da ches garant kontati 'vid' shta mi uradi degen od Desintegrationa' al' dzabe ti:)) Here we go:

99 Problems

If you're havin' girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one

[Verse One]
I got the rap patrol on the gat patrol
Foes that wanna make sure my casket's closed
Rap critics they say he's "Money Cash Hoes"
I'm from the hood stupid, what type of facts are those
If you grew up with holes in ya zapatos
You'd be celebrating the minute you was havin' dough
I'm like fuck critics you can kiss my whole asshole
If you don't like my lyrics you can press fast forward
I got beef with radio if i don't play they show
They don't play my hits i don't give a shit SO
Rap mags try and use my black ass
So advertisers can give 'em more cash for ads, fuckers
I don't know what you take me as,
Or understand the intelligence that Jay-Z has
I'm from rags to ritches niggas I ain't dumb
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me

99 problems but the bitch aint one
If you're havin' girl problems i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me

[Verse Two]
The year's '94 and my trunk is raw
In my rear view mirror is the mother fuckin' law
I got two choices y'all pull over the car or (hmmm)
Bounce on the Devil put the pedal to the floor
Now I ain't tryin' to see no highway chase with Jay.
Plus i got a few dollars i can fight the case
So I...pull over to the side of the road
I heard "Son do you know why I'm stoppin' you for?"
Cause I'm young and I'm black and my hats real low?
Do I look like a mind reader sir, I don't know
Am I under arrest or should I guess some mo'?
"Well you was doin fifty-five in a fifty-fo' "
"Liscense and registration and step out of the car"
"Are you carryin' a weapon on you I know a lot of you are"
I ain't steppin out of shit all my paper's legit
"Well, do you mind if I look round the car a little bit?"
Well my glove compartment is locked so are the trunk in the back
And I know my rights so you gon' need a warrant for that
"Aren't you sharp as a tack, you some type of lawyer or something'?"
"Or somebody important or somethin'?"
Nah, I ain't pass the bar but i know a little bit
Enough that you won't illegally search my shit
"We'll see how smart you are when the K9 come"
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me

99 Problems but a bitch ain't one
if you havin girl problems
i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one hit me

99 Problems but a bitch ain't one
if you havin girl problems
i feel bad for you son
I got 99 problems but a bitch ain't one
Hit me

[Verse Three]
Now once upon a time not too long ago
A nigga like myself had to strong arm a hoe
This is not a hoe in the sense of havin a pussy
But a pussy havin no God Damn sense, try and push me
I tried to ignore him and talk to the Lord
Pray for him, cause some fools just love to perform
You know the type loud as a motor bike
But wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight
The only thing that's gonna happen is I'ma get to clappin
He and his boys gon be yappin to the captain
And there I go trapped in the kit kat again
Back through the system with the riff raff again
Fiends on the floor scratchin again
Paparatzi's with they cameras snappin them
D.A. tried to give the nigga shaft again
Half-a-mil for bail cause I'm African
All because this fool was harrasin' them
Tryin to play the boy like hes saccarin
But ain't nothin sweet 'bout how I hold my gun
I got 99 problems being a bitch ain't one.
Hit me

[Chorus X3]

You're crazy for this one Rick
It's your boy


Igor said...

'vid' shta mi uradi degen od Desintegrationa'


Igor said...


Oh I miss the kiss of treachery
The shameless kiss of vanity
The soft and the black and the velvety
Up tight against the side of me
And mouth and eyes and heart all bleed
And run in thickening streams of greed
As bit by bit it starts the need
To just let go
My party piece

Oh I miss the kiss of treachery
The aching kiss before I feed
The stench of a love for a younger meat
And the sound that it makes
When it cuts in deep
The holding up on bended knees
The addiction of duplicities
As bit by bit it starts the need
To just let go
My party piece

But I never said I would stay to the end
So I leave you with babies and hoping for frequency
Screaming like this in the hope of the secrecy
Screaming me over and over and over
I leave you with photographs
Pictures of trickery
Stains on the carpet and
Stains on the scenery
Songs about happiness murmured in dreams
When we both us knew
How the ending would be...

So it's all come back round to breaking apart again
Breaking apart like I'm made up of glass again
Making it up behind my back again
Holding my breath for the fear of sleep again
Holding it up behind my head again
Cut in deep to the heart of the bone again
Round and round and round
And it's coming apart again
Over and over and over

Now that I know that I'm breaking to pieces
I'll pull out my heart
And I'll feed it to anyone
Crying for sympathy
Crocodiles cry for the love of the crowd
And the three cheers from everyone
Dropping through sky
Through the glass of the roof
Through the roof of your mouth
Through the mouth of your eye
Through the eye of the needle
It's easier for me to get closer to heaven
Than ever feel whole again

I never said I would stay to the end
I knew I would leave you with babies and everything
Screaming like this in the hole of sincerity
Screaming me over and over and over
I leave you with photographs
Pictures of trickery
Stains on the carpet and
Stains on the memory
Songs about happiness murmured in dreams
When we both of us knew
How the end always is

How the end always is...


Anonymous said...

ima jos jedna u vezi onog eskejpoloshkog srkleta naprijed..ova je pravo dobra (a na najnovijem albumu ima pjesmu koja se de facto zove "escapist")

This ain't the down it's the upbeat
Make it complete
So what's the story?
Guaranteed accuracy enhanced CD
Latest technology, Darts at Treble 20
Huge non-recuparable advance
Majors be vigilent
I excel in both content and deliverance
So let's put on our classics
And we'll ave a little dance, shall we?
No sales pitch, no media hype
No hydro, it's nice and ripe
I speak in communication in bold type
This AIN'T yer archetypal street sound
Scan for ultrasound North, South, East, West
And all round and then to the underground
You say that every thing sounds the same
Then you go buy them! There's no excuses my friend
Let's push things forward
As we progress to the checkpoint
I wholeheartedly agree with yer viewpoint
But this ain't your typical Garage joint
I make points which hold significance
That ain't a bag it's shipment
This ain't a track it's a movement
I got the settlement
My frequencies are transient
And resonate your eardrums
I make bangers not anthems
Leave that to the Artful Dodger
The broad shouldered 51% shareholder
You won't find us on Alta Vista
Cult classic, not bestseller
Your gonna need more power,
Plug in the freephase and the generator
Crank it up to the gigawatts
Critics ready with the potshots, the plot thickens
Put on yer mittens for these sub-zero conditions
But remember I'm just spittin',
Remember I'm just spittin'
Once bitten, forever smitten
You say that everything sounds the same
Then you go buy them! There's no excuses my friend
Let's Push Things Forward
Spilt jewels like Eastern Riches
Junkie Fixes
Around 'ere we say Birds, not bitches
As London Bridge burns down, Brixton's burning up
Turns out your in luck
Cos I know this dodgy fuck in The Duck
So it's just another showflick from your
Local City Poet
Case you geezers don't know it
Lets Push Things Forward
It's a tall order, but were taller
Calling all mawlers, backstreet brawlers
Cornershop crawlers, victories flawless
Love us or hate us, but don't slate us
Don't conform to formulas
Pop genres and such Sharp darts, double Dutch
Parked cars, troubles a much with more Bud
Let's Push Things Forward
You say that everything sounds the same
The you go buy them! There's no excuses my friend
Let's Push Things Forward.

Anonymous said...

n here we go:

The Escapist

All these walls were never really there,
Nor the ceiling or the chair.
I'm eking weeks of peace at the beach
I see the breezes weave the trees,
These walls, you'll find, are yours and mine
Defined not by them, I
I'm in times that lie behind my eyelids,
The sunset still the rising silence,

I'll not feel no fear
Cos' I'm not really here
I'm nowhere near here

There's no rain on roof that grates and beats me
My favourite tree breaking light to pieces
Sprinkling, sharded light on me
Throw a stone as hard as you can
And hearing with hand not here at land
Nothing taxi, dusting sand
My window world spins and twirls,
The walls then fall, I recall the sort
White clouds white wash faded spotless
The weighty shadows, ranges of rocks
The cold is all illusion thought up
Stroll on the shore, snooze and explore
All possibilities in each new morning,
'Til satisfied reaching out, yawning
Fish in a big dish, some rice and spice,
Salt over shoulder, never salted so tight
The truth I have told was silence sometimes
But who's soul does not hide any crimes
Wrapped in walls, encircled by work
The walls fall - the story occurs
No barrier, no boundary or 'low us ID's
The freedom to stay off straight
Be fiend or friend, cause no harm but charm - the peaceful end

(Chorus x2)

Pale, ancient woods, strew white sandy bays
This ugly room pales away today
I'm swimming in the ocean
I sink slow motion
Fingers, toes, floating
Every year 'til yesterday
I see the eternal setting sea
I compare all this to me,
It's all fleeting momentary me
I blink my eyes, this is reminding me
Life lies in the blink of an eye
The old die for reasons, new tides for seasons
New life born is like teasing
All these walls were really never there
Nor the ceiling or the chair
I'm eking weeks of peace at the beach
I see the breezes weave the trees
I am not here at all,
You are dearly fooled,
I see bristling trees, the shush at the sea
Fluttering seagulls
I'm not trapped in a box, so I am glancing at rocks
I'm dancing off docks
Since this stance began
That's where I am

(Chorus x2)

So done.

Anonymous said...

The Escapist

And in the end
We lie awake
And we dream
We’ll make an escape

And in the end
We lie awake
And we dream
We’ll make an escape


Anonymous said...

nije vishe interesantno - postalo trend. Lazarus je proshao kroz bolnu metamorfozu iz alternative u mejnstriim. Ko ono reche: "Dabogda crko rock'n'roll kad ga svako svira!" - Eh, upravo tako neshto. Ja se oshtro ogradjujem od ovoga svega, dizhem svoje prljave ruke i idem nekom drugim putem (barem sve dok i on ne postane E4)

Anonymous said...


Igor said...

He he, to mi lichi na tebe... Nije vise alternativa = ja perem ruke i prelazim na makadam :)
Sada ces imati vishe vremena za razvijanje Inbetween teorije... e da, sta je sa Edvardom?

Anonymous said...

ma da bolan - drago mi je da ne shokiram nikoga:)) J***n je zhivot kad ga chovjek hodi izmedju autoputova. Nije ba inbitvinizam teorija nego religija:)) Edward ha? P nije fazon da ti ispricham shta on sad radi. Saznachesh when the time comes:)))) Al' je dobro da si zainteresovan - onda imamo napetost kao u tvornici tregera:))

Igor said...


Neki dan zasjeli kod nas, ono kad je bilo pomrachenje, a bila je i 'L pa smo spominjali i Edvarda i pitali se sta li radi. Tregeri, jashta.
Bitno je da radi.

Anonymous said...

nemojte ba ocekivati previse - nije edward senzacija nego fun!