26 November 2008

Well, The Band Has Stopped Playing

The world keeps turning

12 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...

"The ocean is a desert with its life underground
And a perfect disguise above
Under the cities lies a heart made of ground
But the humans will give no love"

Anonymous said...

..."So I spy on her, I lie to her, I make promises I cannot keep
Then I hear her laughter rising, rising from the deep
And I make her prove her love for me, I take all that I can take
And I push her to the limit to see if she will break"...

Igor said...


On our anniversary
There'll be someone else where you used to be
The world don't care and yet it clings to me
And the moon is gold and silvery

Who knows where the sidewalk ends
Well, the road will turn and the road will bend
They always say he marks the sparrow's fall
How can anyone believe it all?

Well, the band has stopped playing but we keep dancing
The world keeps turning, the world keeps turning
On his hand he wore the ring of another
And the world keeps turning, the world keeps turning

We broke the bank and we tore up the place
And we disappeared oh without a trace
Now the sun it falls into the sea
And around the only one for me

I was so green and the dress you wore was yellow
And the world keeps turning, the world keeps turning
The sun is down and the moon is in the meadow
And the world keeps turning, the world keeps turning

Put a hat on your head
Will you paint the whole damned town red with me?

Well, the band has stopped playing but we keep dancing
The world keeps turning, the world keeps turning
On his hand he wore the ring of another
The world keeps turning, the world keeps turning

The world keeps turning, the world keeps turning


Igor said...

A ima i jos poneka... Kao na primjer Aschcroft-ovo "Keep ahead of the race it's the human despair" i Napalm-ov "Superior species with inferior ideas"...

Igor said...

@human after all:
Odlichno, odakle je izvuche?! Ali ja sam nesto uvijek mislio da je to Neil Young... hmm.

"She will take it back some day!"

Anonymous said...

Ja je znam kao Neil-ovu, zar ima jos koja? Share ;)

Anonymous said...

I see; America.

Igor said...

"A Horse with No Name is a song by the band America and their first single."

"The song's resemblance to some of Neil Young's work stirred some grumbling as well. Incidentally, it was "A Horse With No Name" that bumped Young's "Heart Of Gold" out of the #1 slot on the U.S. Pop chart. "I know that virtually everyone, on first hearing, assumed it was Neil," Bunnell says. "I never fully shied away from the fact that I was inspired by him. I think it's in the structure of the song as much as in the tone of his voice. It did hurt a little, because we got some pretty bad backlash. I've always attributed it more to people protecting their own heroes more than attacking me."

Mozes mislit' ovo, izdas prvi singl, napravis ovakvu pjesmu i niko ne skonta da si to ti :))) Joj crnjaka!
Ali kad malo bolje razmislim onaj La La La dio mi nikako ne ide uz Younga... Mozda da je radio duet sa Dylanom :)

Anonymous said...

Joj,crnjaka za bend, ovako dobra pjesma. Ja sam je cula kao Neil-ovu, djaba i ostace njegova :)

Igor said...

Sad bi Ph.D. rekao da se krugovi zatvaraju, "The Band has stopped playing" al' pjesma se jos cuje.

Anonymous said...


"Call things by their rightful names"!

Igor said...

:)) Izvininjajem se...
Ph.D. Candidate :))