05 December 2008

Check For Pulse

I am trapped in this body and can't get out

16 kommentarer:

Igor said...


I do not
What it is
I've done wrong
Full of holes
Check for pulse
Blink your eyes
One for yes
Two for no

I have no idea what I am talking about
I am trapped in this body and can't get out

You killed the sound
Removed backbone
A pale imitation
With the edges
Sawn off

I have no idea what you are talking about
Your mouth moves only with someone's hand up your ass

Has the light gone out for you?
Because the light's gone out for me
It is the 21st century
It is the 21st century
It can follow you like a dog
It brought me to my knees
They got a skin and they put me in
They got a skin and they put me in
All the lines wrapped around my face
All the lines wrapped around my face
And for anyone else to see
And for anyone else to see

I'm a lie

I've seen it coming


Anonymous said...

Many of us've seen it commin'. But somehow I still amn't convinced. 'Coz this shit presuposes that all of the things we live are strictly cognitive. But they ain't! Speaking isn't, nor is keyboearding, nor drawing with the pencil, nor framing with the lens - these things are incarnated inside the body making the body who we are. Consequently, once bodysnatched we would not be the same persons. I firmly believe that. Besides, our cerebral cortex and theamulus are both still just parts of the body as a whole. Trying to separate it and view it as in and for it self just makes no sense and is silly. Given the facts that consciousness is inside the brain and the brain is part of the body we can easily state that our bodies, not only are consciouss, but are moulding who we are and greatly shape our inner selves. The idea of cerebral self is easy to align to due to our centuries long socialisation into the western - Cartesian - way of thinking about mind and body as two separate entities. Well I don't believe it - the bodies remember, they tell stories, they send signals and communicate. And besides, the brains are still just parts of our bodies and a sound mind couldn't under any circumstances just go and separate the two. They are inseparable! They are a part of a whole - together they make one. But the idea os snatched bodies will forever fascinate us, won't it!!!

Igor said...


Umoran sam,
Spor sam kao kamen
Lak sam kao igla.

Živim sasvim sam
U kući koja gori,
U svojoj koži.

Vreme brzo prolazi
Spreman sam da izronim
Noć me izaziva

Dolaze po mene,
Glasno komentarišu,
Ljudi dosađuju.

To nije zemljotres
To nije zemljotres
Moje srce pokušava da kuca.

To nije zemljotres
To nije zemljotres
Moje srce odlazi od mene.

Trčim kao ptica,
Dišem na dnu mora,
Smejem se dok plačem.

Ja imam svoj kofer,
Ja imam svoj put,
Ne deri se na mene, biću stvarno ljut.

To nije zemljotres
To nije zemljotres
Moje srce pokušava da kuca.

To nije zemljotres
To nije zemljotres
Moje srce odlazi od mene.


Anonymous said...


ok, super. sad cu poslati dvije pjesme na koje me je ova slika jutros profurila dok sam kontao o njoj na putu za posao... chekaj samo sekundu da ih nadjem na Internetu.

Anonymous said...

nesto sam razmishljao o onom "no strings attached" shto ti rekoh onomad i ovo mi pade na pamet:


Don't like to think too much, it makes me think too much,
It keeps my mind on my mind
Don't wanna see too much, it makes me see to much
Sometimes i'd rather be blind

All the things that they're saying & doing
When they pass me by just fills me up with noise
It overloads me
I wanna disconnected myself
Pull my brain stem out and unplug myself
I want nothing right now, i want to pull it out

Yeah, i want to pull it out, yeah
I wanna break it all down, hey, i wanna pull it out
Yeah, yeah, disconnect myself, disconnect myself
I wanna see it go down, yeah, disconnect myself

A thousand miles an hour going nowhere fast
Clinging to the details of your past
Talking 'bout your damages and your wasting my time
Wanna be the king of pain, stand in line
All the numbers and the colours and the facts
Backed by the rumours and the figures and the stats
I think i'm gonna download my mind


Too damn bad if at the end of the day the only thoughts
In your brain are all the things that they say, what a waste
Too damn bad if at the end of the line you got no idea
What's on your own mind, you got no one to blame but yourself
Too much to know, too much to see
It might mean something to you but it's nothing to me
Its just another ad for someone's version of how they think it
Should be

I wanna disconnect myself, pull my brains damn out, unplug
I want nothing right now, i want to pull it out



Anonymous said...

a ovo je druga:


I was blind
I was lame
I was nothing
'Till you came
You said "Babe,
Make you sing
Make you feel
Like some queen"

Said "I'll take you Kathleen
To your home and mine"
Lord, he hooked me
Fish hook and line

And rode in fucking mad (?)
With a halo of deep black
'Til my love made me gag
Call him Daddy, take my hand

Said "I'll take you Kathleen
To your home and mine"
Good Lord, he hooked me
Fish hook and line

I'm hooked
Oh higher
Oh beautful
Oh higher
Oh beautiful
Oh higher

Now I'm blind and I'm lame
Left with nothing but his stain
"Daddy your maid, she can't sing
She can't feel, she's no queen!"

Said "I'll take you Kathleen
To your home and mine"
Lord he hooked me
Fish hook and line

Said "I'll take you Kathleen
To your home and mine"
Good lord he hooked me
'Leen out of time

P(olly) J(ean) HARVEY

Igor said...

Jo, Henry je dobar. Pravo dobar! Interesuje me samo kako smo se mimoisli. Uvijek smo si negdje, u stvari, presjecali puteve, ali nikad da se sretnemo.
Moracu nesto smisliti.

Anonymous said...

"And the animals I've trapped
Have all become my pets
And I'm living off of grass
And the drippings from the ceiling
It's okay to eat fish
cause they don't have any feelings..."

Hardy Hum said...

jao shto nas ide veheras ova inspiracija - svugdje nas ima på crvenim linijama balansiramo u mraku:))

Hardy Hum said...

i vezu li se crvene niti vezu u chvorove i mashnice - chij fish, hook, line, heart, feelings - sve je tu:))
Odlichno - dobar petak!

Igor said...

Sve to a kod mene svira ona:

I feel home,
when I see the faces that remember my own.
I feel home,
when I'm chillin outside with the people I know.
I feel home,
and that's just what I feel.

Anonymous said...

"I'll take you down the only road I've ever been down
You know the one that takes you to the places
where all the veins meet yeah"

Igor said...

"Can't change my mold" vs "They got a skin and they put me in".

Hardy Hum said...

"places where all the vains [have a pow-wow]"

Hardy Hum said...

"I wanna heart that beats and bleeds
A heart that's bustin at the seams"

Hardy Hum said...

"Each curling lock of thy luxuriant hair
Breaks into barbed hooks to catch my heart,
My broken heart is wounded everywhere
With countless wounds from which the red drops start." (Hafiz)