02 December 2008

I've Been Out Thinking

Will you stay in the breeze?

1 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...

Woody Allen’s Deconstructing Harry:

“In the middle of a movie within-a-movie scene, which describes the shooting of a film scene, the cameraman realizes that the image of the actor he is filming is fuzzy. Naturally, he first attributes the problem to his own error in controlling the focus, and after he fails to correct it, he begins worrying that the focusing mechanism may be out of order. But the mechanism is fine, and since there is no improvement, the cameraman now worries about the state of the lens. Could it be dirty and so cause fuzziness? Yet, the lens turns out to be fine, too, and perfectly clean. In the midst of the ensuing commotion, everyone suddenly realizes that the problem does not have anything to do with the camera at all but with the actor in question (Mel). It is the actor himself who is out of focus! He is intrinsically fuzzy, and everyone looking at him sees a blurred image; everyone looking at anything else but Mel sees a clear image. The actor of this movie-within –a-movie has been struck by a disease that makes all those around him, including his perplexed family and his physician, see him out of focus. “