27 January 2009

I hate to lose

I'd suggest you try

5 kommentarer:

Igor said...


I woke up with a headache from the night before,
cause sometimes I drink
I spent the night with my head in a toilet bowl,
that's where I like to think

I don't want no one to take a piece of my heart
I hate to lose all those itty bitty pieces of my heart

Have you ever spent all night thinkin bout your life, I'd suggest you try
Well it's somethin that your gonna want to do with a knife, cause I tend to cry

I don't want no one to take a piece of my heart
I hate to lose all those itty bitty pieces from my heart

Have you ever spent all day thinkin about the night, somethin that you do
When your thinkin way too much, your outta sight, well whatcha gonna do

I don't want no one to take a piece of my heart
I hate to lose all those itty bitty pieces from my heart


Anonymous said...

To nije zemljotres!

Hardy Hum said...


Anonymous said...

... odlazi od mene

Igor said...

He he, uvijek me zagolicaju komentari ove vrste. Da li zato sto je Anonymous?
Ili je mozda zato sto "Odlazi od mene", iskinut iz pjesme, moze da bude:

"ODLAZI OD MENE!!!" - kao uzvik, ljutnja, tjeranje: "Odbij!"

"Odlazi od mene." - kao konstatacija s suzom u oku, odlazi i tu se nista ne moze uraditi.

"Odlazi od mene." - hladnokrvno, svejedno i da ne odlazi.

"Odlazi od mene???" - kao iznenadjen s ovim saznanjem, jako razocarano.

"Odlazi od mene?" - kao iznenadjen s ovim saznanjem, jos ne shvatajuci o cemu se zapravo radi.

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