05 January 2009

I Will Stand Arms Outstretched

Pretend I'm free to roam

6 kommentarer:

Igor said...

I will light the match this mornin', so I won't be alone
Watch as she lies silent, for soon light will be gone
I will stand arms outstretched, pretend I'm free to roam
I will make my way, through one more day in... hell.

Anonymous said...

Odlichna fotka! Interesuje me kako ste ti, kamera i lutak stali u gitaru ;)

Igor said...

:)) Ma duga je to pricha ;)
Zato sam o tome i izbacio kratak "film" na Behind The Kalsonger.

Hardy Hum said...

:)) Ti si lud majke mi!
Odlichna slika, odlichna interpretacija teksta, dopada mi se crvena boja pakla koji se nalazi u rupi/ponoru gitare, zice me podsjecaju na zatvorske resetke (pretend I'm free to roam) itd. A film je nesto novo. Cutting-edge!!! Svaka chast. Nikad ne prestajesh da nas iznenadjujesh!

Anonymous said...

...lego soldat...

Anonymous said...