10 January 2009

I Will Stare The Sun Down

until my eyes go blind

9 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...

Komentar je suvishan ali moram rechi da meshtre, svakoga dana u svakom pogledu sve vise iznenadjues! Ruchice u chafe mode!

Igor said...

I will light the match this mornin', so I won't be alone
Watch as she lies silent, for soon light will be gone
I will stand arms outstretched, pretend I'm free to roam
I will make my way, through one more day in... hell.

How Much Difference Does It Make
How Much Difference Does It Make

I will hold the candle, till it burns up my arm
I'll keep taking punches until their will grows tired
I will stare the sun down until my eyes go blind
Hey, I won't change direction and I won't change my mind

Igor said...

Hvala, trudim se ;) Moze, chafe mode! :)

Anonymous said...

slazem se sa L, bas ti je mocna ova ideja da svaku recenicu pretvoris u sliku i dobijes kontext....al me nesto zabrinjava. Ja eto napisao (serendipity) velikim slovima nije da se derem vec onako da bude upadljivo a ti meni tako
-I will make my way
-How Much Difference Does It Make
-I will hold the candle
-I'll keep taking punches (tu si pravo ono ljut)
-I will stare the sun down
....i boga pitaj sta jos dolazi. Jesi ti to ljut?....32

Igor said...

Sta jos dolazi? :) Dolazi da "I won´t change direction and I won´t change my mind" :)))
Ma nisam ljut, sta ti je. U stvari, kad bolje skontam, mozda jesam. Ali to nema nikakve veze s vama koji posjechujete blog. Naprotiv! "You changed the curse" - reche jednom jedan EdVed.
Sto se tiche Serendipity nisam znao da su joj dali strano ime. Mi je zvali nafaka. Glavni sastojak fotografije ;)

Igor said...

E da, zaboravih spomenuti da je ova ideja stih/slika odavno kuhala i spremala se. Nastala je ljetos nakon shto je Haris napisao:

Under the rain

Don’t you slip… don’t loose the grip, no
Focus Pokus, stay on track please
Stay in line… be on time
No deviation allowed, no

White coat mice will roll our dice, oh
Officially artificialized and
Once and twice dead, towards eternity
Obey your thirst for immortality

Tonight you might be wrong or right, see
But no one cares ‘coz no one shares the
Burden of love and camaraderie and
No one gets the sense that once got you and me

The lovesick sea… but no shore to kiss
This is the cage of all in-betweens

The cage of rage, see… it’s our own stage, yes
It’s where we kill and give birth… lie and confess, yes
Pursuit of dream we love and adore has got us
Stuck in-between, the sea with no shore

We lie for free yet our confessions we sell
For handful of lame excuses to tell
To wash our guilt in blood of the dead, so we can
Lie even more but feel good instead

And as lab results play our final waltz
We keep on justifying all our faults
No dirty stains… gotta wipe it all clean
And follow the trace that tugs, pulls and screams

Army of glass… polished and clean
Behold the hordes of in-between

All soaking wet under the rain of applauds
We catwalk the bloodred carpets of corpses
Towards the gaze of eternal greed
A perverted shameful dream indeed

Chained in a dark hole of a naked heart
A bloated Narcisse equals social suicide
Unless he’s brought up to the fore
By hedonist masses to love and adore

To be their precious beloved little whore
Flawlessly designed structural décor
But fake throne is frail… the whore hits the floor
Caught in-between… the sea with no shore

Roam in the mist… thick creamy steam
Lost in the badlands of in-between

Perhaps we’d seigh… even more
From bitter envy and sweet aw
If just you didn’t expect it so
Badly and insensitively from us all

The entertainment requires quantifiable score
Success as norm gives Benjamin’s galore
Escape again what you escaped once before
Reincarnated déjà vu’s of discontent and bore

Like sheep we scamper into the wild that pulls
But the freedom is tricky, and out come the wolves
Neither here nor there, not so free any more
Right in-between, the sea with no shore

The lovesick sea… but no shore to kiss
This is the cage of all in-betweens

Throughout the borderlands of everything we know
Blurred which way signs, we’re stripped down to the bone
In a World of frames deframed we roam
The real In-betweens, on a sea with no shore

Yet there’s beauty in places we’ve never seen
Coz we’re racing the clock as if on caffeine
From A to B like fast-track machine
Deaf, dumb and blind for what’s In-between

... Uz ovu pjesmu sam mislio (i jos uvijek mislim) probati ovaj koncept. Problem je samo shto svaki dan jos uvijek ima svega 24h (iako sam ulozio zhalbu i trazhio produzhetak na barem 36h). Indifference je mnogo jednostavnija za ovaj test.

Anonymous said...

uuuuuuu pjesmeee, prva liga. Vidis kako je skroma momak. Nece da se sam fali vec moras ti. ;)))

Hardy Hum said...


Ma u tvojoj svakoj slici je svaka pikslica jedna zbirka pjesama!!! Vizualno kontektualiziranje fenomena i za njih vezanih misli i emocija je definitivno tvoj fah vrijedan svake pohvale. Nafaka, Serendipity... hmm, ne znam, nisam siguran u to. Mislim ipak da je glavni sastojak fotografije "The Eye" umjetnika. Slazem se sa L/L i sa 32 i bacam i ja svoje ruchice u chafe mode.

Igor said...

Ako cemo se vech gadjati onda da i ja prijavim da u svakom vashem slovu ima po jedna pikslica koja gradi moje fotografije.
Zato ja mislim da je, u stvari, glavni sastojak fotografije: Promatrach!