22 January 2009

One good use for a small town

You know that you want to get out

2 kommentarer:

Igor said...


When you're growing up in a small town
When you're growing up in a small town
When you're growing up in a small town
You say, no one famous ever came from here

When you're growing up in a small town
And you're having a nervous breakdown
And you think that you'll never escape it
Yourself or the place that you live

Where did Picasso come from
There's no Michelangelo coming from Pittsburgh
If art is the tip of the iceberg
I'm the part sinking below

When you're growing up in a small town
Bad skin, bad eyes, gay and fatty
People look at you funny
When you're in a small town

My father worked in construction
It's not something for which I'm suited
Oh, what is something for which you are suited
Getting out of here

I hate being odd in a small town
If they stare let them stare in new york city
As this pink eyed painting albino
How far can my fantasy go

I'm no Dali coming from Pittsburgh
No adorable lisping Capote
My hero, oh, do you think I could meet him
I'd camp out at his front door

There is only one good thing about small town
There is only one good use for a small town
There is only one good thing about small town
You know that you want to get out

When you're growing up in a small town
You know you'll grow down in a small town
There is only one good use for a small town

You hate it and you'll know you have to leave


Hardy Hum said...

Puno mi se dopada ova slika - zrachi sa "Let the sunshine in" kinda shtimung:))

Ja sam (a znam da ni pod razno nisam jedini) zivio gos'n Reedovu pjesmu, ne jednom, nego dva tri pa i cetiri puta. Vjerovao sam u sentiment shto ona nosi i izbrisao sve strane svijeta iz mog kompasa - ostavio samo "gdje god odavde" (a odavde je "odakle-god-odavde" ifjunouadajmin) kao vodich. I ne znam shta se desilo, da li su me godine stigle ili se radi o necemu drugome. U svakom sluchaju mi se chini da nevinost snijega, ili recimo sjaj sunca, postoji samo negdje u dubinama grudnog kosha (paznja - ne 'grudinog' kosha). To ne znachi da je kontinuum u "status escapeology" i na koji nachin ukinut - da sam se uspio izvuchi. Ko zna gdje chu ja, vi, ili bilo ko, na kraju zavrshiti. Nadam se da che to biti jedan mali-veliki ili veliki-mali grad gdje che biti par dobrih mjesta za otichi na pivo i... ali josh bitnije, da che se na tu pivu imati sa kim otichi... i mozda jedna nasa 'elderly woman behind the counter' - onako eto, da je imamo.