02 March 2009

Where no tears should fall

Be My Guest IV - Haris, No2

13 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...

It's a thin line between love and hate...

Hardy Hum said...


Hate n Love

All you need!
All you need!
Buy me a bucket of sand,
Put it in a paper bag.
Finances invested,
I'm saving for the Brooklyn Bridge.

Tanks of used oxygen
Trousers from a fancy lad.
Hot air of a billionaire

Love 'n' hate we need,
Love 'n' hate we breath

Got a letter from the d.m.v,
Letter from the I.r.s.
Climbing down the ladder of incareeration,
Is a violent load of shit!

Tanks of used oxygen
Trousers from a fancy lad.
Hot air of a billionaire

Love 'n' hate we need,
Love 'n' hate we bread
Hate an love
Love n hate
We need!

A couple dollars for a gallon gas
The cost of living makes me wanna piss,
I won't conform, I'm a piece of trash
Fuck the established!

Tanks of used oxygen
Trousers from a fancy lad.
Hot air of a billionaire

Love 'n' hate we need,
Love 'n' hate we bread
Love 'n' hate we bread

Love is all you need
Love is all you need
L.o.v.e h.a.t.e
Love n hate n the love n hate
Hate n love we breath

Tanks of used oxygen
Trousers from a fancy lad.
Hot air of a billionaire

Love 'n' hate we need,
Love 'n' hate we bread,
Love 'n' hate we bread,
Love 'n' hate,
All we need,
Love 'n' hate.

Die Hunns

Hardy Hum said...


Morao sam!
Pogledajte ovaj spot, odlican je - klasika. Alä nije to ono shto sam htio uz ovu sliku. "where no tears should fall" dolazi sutra!

Word up!

Anonymous said...

Ponekad ili jako cesto vidimo samo prepreke u zivotu. Ono sto je bilo prije i sto dolazi poslije nekako zaboravimo ili ne vidimo ili necemo. Sve je difuzno....hocu reci da, kad, crnilo, muka, kriza....otvorimo oci na (f 16), fokusirajmo se,razotkrimo one male detalje zivota sto nas cine, mogle bih uciniti,sretnim.

eto, be happy :)

Anonymous said...

Moment of clarity

(Turn the music up turn the lights down i'm in my zone)

Thank God for grantin me this moment of clarity
This moment of honesty
The world'll feel my truths
Through my Hard Knock Life time
My Gift and The Curse
I gave you volume after volume of my work
So you can feel my truths
I built the Dynasty by being one of the realest niggas out
Way beyond a Reasonable Doubt
(Yall can't fill my shoes)
From my Blueprint beginnings
To that Black Album endin
Listen close you hear what i'm about
Nigga feel my truths

Pop died
Didn't cry
Didn't know him that well
Between him doin heroin
And me doin crack sales
With that in the egg shell
Standin at the tabernacle
Rather the church
Pratendin to be hurt
Wouldn't work
So a smirk was all on my face
Like damn that mans face was just like my face
So pop i forgive you
For all the shit that i live through
It wasn't all your fault
Homie you got caught
And to the same game i fault
they dont parade loss
My big brothers and so many others i saw
I'm just glad we got to see each other
Talk and re-meet each other
Save a place in Heaven
Til the next time we meet forever

The music business hate me
Cause the industry ain't make me
Hustlers and boosters embrace me
And the music i be makin
I dumb down for my audience
And double my dollars
They criticize me for it
Yet they all yell "Holla"
If skills sold
Truth be told
I'd probably be
Talib Kweli
I wanna rhyme like Common Sense
(But i did five Mil)
I ain't been rhymin like Common since
When your sense got that much in common
And you been hustlin since
Your inception
Fuck perception
Go with what makes sense
I know what i'm up against
We as rappers must decide what's most impor-tant
And i can't help the poor if i'm one of them
So i got rich and gave back
To me that's the win, win
The next time you see the homie and his rims spin
Just know my mind is workin just like them
(The rims that is)

My homie Sigel's on a tier
Where no tears should fall
Cause he was on the block where no squares get off
See in my inner circle all we do is ball
Til we all got triangles on our wall
He ain't just rappin for the platinum
Yall record
I recall
Cause i really been there before
Four scores and seven years ago
Prepared to flow
Prepare for war
I shall fear no man
You don't hear me though
These words ain't just paired to go
In one ear out the other ear
My balls and my word is alls i have
What you gonna do to me?
Nigga scars'll scab
What you gonna box me homie?
I can dodge and jab
Three shots couldn't touch me
Thank God for that
I'm strong enough to carry Biggie Smalls on my back
And the whole BK nigga holla back


Igor said...

Uf, dobra! Moment Of Clarity!

Ovu sam bas mislio kako ju je 32 mogao naslikati kad eto njega...

Igor said...

You had something to hide
Should have hidden it, shouldn't you
Now you're not satisfied
With what you're being put through

It's just time to pay the price
For not listening to advice
And deciding in your youth
On the policy of truth

Depeche Mode

Anonymous said...

(ne)kontam, sta sam mogao (na)slikati?...jel sliku ili sta?

Igor said...

Mislio sam vishe da mi ova fotografija izgleda kao da si je ti (vech) naslikao, ne da bi trebao da je slikas. Podsjetile su me ove boje i kompozicija na tvoje radove.

Izvinjajem se na jeziku mi u mene nerazumljivom.

Igor said...

32 said:
Ponekad ili jako cesto vidimo samo prepreke u zivotu. Ono sto je bilo prije i sto dolazi poslije nekako zaboravimo ili ne vidimo ili necemo. Sve je difuzno....hocu reci da, kad, crnilo, muka, kriza....otvorimo oci na (f 16), fokusirajmo se,razotkrimo one male detalje zivota sto nas cine, mogle bih uciniti,sretnim.

eto, be happy :)

Zlaja ja mislim da je problem u tome da kada otvorimo oci na f16 onda pocinjemo da vidimo one fleke na "senzoru". Kad ih vidimo odmah se vrachamo nazad na f2.8 govorechi sebi: "Jest da se slabije vidi ali je mrak".

Anonymous said...

...tu si malo u pravu...evo da to malo razjasnim. Kad odem kod stare i pocnem nesto raditi po kuhinji odjednom se pocnu pojavljivati, fleke, muzge, curci, malo od Keninih prstiju i malo od nasih, onda jel, ja pocnem mamu kritikovati...a ona onako u odbrani pita, sta je bolan prljavo? Ja nista ne vidim. Hocu reci da ima ili nem dioptriju :) njoj je fokus ili blenda na 1.2 ona samo vidi kuhinju a ne male, meni iritirajuce detalje...prema tome maozda i jeste bolje ostati na 1.4 ili cak 1.2 zavisno od kontexta.....da, da....kontext je tu jako vazan.

Igor said...


I ja mislim da je to do konteksta :))

Hardy Hum said...


a u kojem kontekstu je kontekst? Koje okolnosti odlucuju kontekstov profil i sentiment?