09 October 2009

Go forward in reverse

Out here realigned

4 kommentarer:

Igor said...

Setting Forth

Be it no concern
Point of no return
Go foward in reverse

This I will recall
Everytime I fall

Setting forth in the universe

Out here, realigned
A planet out of sight

Nature drunk and high


grooda said...

samo da prokomentarisem da si ovih zadnjih nekoliko slika napravio odlicnu seriju. cisto da se ne osjetis zapostavljenim.

Hardy Hum said...

Big Brother je u pravu! Mnogo dobra serija!

Igor said...

Uff, dobro je. Sad mi je malo lakshe. A taman sam mislio "shta im je, niko da me pohvali evo vech dva dana" :))