15 November 2009

We're the problem

We're the solution
Photo by Haris A.

15 kommentarer:

Hardy Hum said...

Hmmm... kako si ovo uspio prebaciti analogni format sa Mineline kamere na digitalni format ovdje?

Igor said...

He he, sta je, hoces da kazes da si i ovo ti uslikao?
A moj mobilni? Ha?


Igor said...

Hocemo napraviti, ovako spontano, jedno gostovanje kad je vec krenulo? Imas li materijala? ;)

Igor said...

Shimmer and shine

it takes a hundred miles of love
to heal a mile of pain
i never say goodbye to the sea
i never blow out a flame
and i've got white lies for dark times
and i don't need your crutch
i'm kicking out stained glass windows
and i'm tender to the touch

shimmer and shine
we leave it all behind
shimmer and shine
when you tell me that you're mine

shimmer and shine
shimmer and shine
bring me the music for the revolution
it puts my mind at ease to know
we're the problem we're the solution
the cure and the disease
but life is trying to force me
force me to trust
i've done all i can
i'll do what i must

shimmer and shine
we leave it all behind
shimmer and shine
when you tell me that you're mine
we shimmer and shine
shimmer and shine


Hardy Hum said...

Joj, you're moving too fast - nisam stigao... javichu se sa materijalom kad budne aktuelno... Pita Sabina da nije Lejla slikala sa svojim Canonom (ili Sabina)ovu sliku? Uh, sad sve posta toliko komplikovano:))

Igor said...

Ma jok, tvoja je. Slikano je sa mojim 50D. To se moze vidjeti u Exifu ove slike. Zato je i zavrsila u mapi sa mojim slikama.
Nije komplikovano ;) a ti se javni sa materijalom kada budes spreman.

Hardy Hum said...

vazhi javnichu se!

Igor said...

Kazhe se: Javnuchu se! ;)

Hardy Hum said...

Shta je Exif?

Igor said...

Exif = Exchangeable Image File Format

A u stvari to je informacija koja ide uz fotografiju. Copyright, keywords, Place... sve to mozes npr dodati u Picasi. Ali informacija koju kamera sama prikaci uz svaku sliku je obicno otvor blende, expozicija, kompenzacija, Iso, model kamere, objektiv... Skini npr ovu sliku na desktop pa desnim dugmetom idi na Properties.

Hardy Hum said...

okej...skont'o! Al ovo shto ti sve sam dodajesh na Picasi (sve shto kamera sama ne dodaje)kao copyright npr - zar to nije ogroman administrativni posao svaku sliku obiljezhavati sa tim na Picasi? Ima li kakav brzhi nachin?

Hardy Hum said...

We are the Problem

Don't believe in anything they say
The day after yesterday is all it takes
No good hands in all state
A city a country it's all the same
The less you have to say this band's name, the better

Bomb city rocker from out of nowhere
Not a chance to be saved
A lot of wood to carry the cross
A band without a country

We're no solution, We're the problem

Families on the left, pray and beg for work
Families on the right, slow mission suicide
We're going to a pirate grave
Band without a country
The damage has been done
And damage control is way too late


Hardy Hum said...

Problem More

Igor said...

Ja to obicno grupiram prilikom razvijanja. Ranije sam cak i svaku sliku posebno sa imenima ljudi na slici dodavao ali skontao sam poslije da nisam bas puno puta pretrazivao slike po imenima ljudi. Cesce mi treba mjesto, npr london2007 ili stuga2006 i sl. Tako da sada to pokusavam da radim i to je najlakse prilikom importa npr u Lightroom. Odmah zadam te parametre, mjesto i ako je kakav dogadjaj...
A i to sa imenima mislim da ce uskoro da bude puno lakse. Sigurno ce softvare da prepozna lica ljudi na slici i predlozi ti: "Pa zar nije ovo Haris? Nesto mi je smrsao. Please confirm."

Igor said...

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