21 February 2010

I've got this light

I'll be around to grow

5 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...

Each one prays to God according to his own Light.
~Mohandas Gandhi

Because Love is not consolation. It is Light.

Hardy Hum said...

I love the photo, the solitude, peace... I don't see the prayer though, but I can see why LightSkyBlue gothis thoughts in that direction. I see a man somewhere north of Jukkasjarvi, way up in northern Sweden doing what they do - "pimplar". That is fishing through tiny hole in the ice. Be that as it may - now I might have let the truth get in the way of a good story (so ignorantly sure of that it is the truth). i apologize for that. If it's of any "consolation" I will admit that the quote LightSkyBlue is one of those definitely worth repeating: first of all it is absolutely beautiful - and second, it makes you think, and than think again... Thank you LightSkyBlue for that!
But then again, wasn't it Kafka who said omething like: "Don't get your hopes up, the light at the end of the tunnel might be an oncomming train"?

Hardy Hum said...

Do you feel lika a lone fisherman, fishing through a hole in the ice my friend?

Hardy Hum said...

My friend?!

Anonymous said...

It's OK my friend!!