03 March 2010

It's easy when you're far away

It's time we laughed at you

3 kommentarer:

Hardy Hum said...

"Nervous flashlights scan my dreams
Liquid shadows silence their screams
I smile at the moon
Chasing water from the sky
I argue with the clouds
Stealing beauty from my eyes... Beneath the summer sky
Under glass moonlight
The night awaits the lamb's arrival
Liquid shadows crawl
Silver teardrops fall
The bride subsides to her survival"

32 said...

eeee ovo ti je bas super, jesi ti to pravio ill ?----
afisch ubija, boja, slova, sjenke...

Igor said...

Ma ja... neshto sam radio na SHARE! temu, kao neke postere... ovako su izgledali u pochetnoj fazi da bi ih poslije prebacio u Photoshop i "doradio". Biche uskoro cijela serija on-line... mtk