14 January 2008

Dig, Lazarus, Dig!!!

3 kommentarer:

Anonymous said...


Igor said...

"Ever since I can remember hearing the Lazarus story, when I was a kid, you know, back in church, I was disturbed and worried by it. Traumatized, actually. We are all, of course, in awe of the greatest of Christ's miracles - raising a man from the dead - but I couldn't help but wonder how Lazarus felt about it. As a child it gave me the creeps, to be honest. I've taken Lazarus and stuck him in New York City, in order to give the song, a hip, contemporary feel. I was also thinking about Harry Houdini who spent a lot of his life trying to debunk the spiritualists who were cashing in on the bereaved. He believed there was nothing going on beyond the grave. He was the second greatest escapologist, Harry was, Lazarus, of course, being the greatest. I wanted to create a kind of vehicle, a medium, for Houdini to speak to us if he so desires, you know, from beyond the grave. Sometimes, late at night, if you listen to the song hard enough, you can hear his voice and the sad clanking of his chains. "I don't know what it is but there is definitely something going on upstairs", he seems to be saying. It is, most of all, an elegy to the New York City of the 70's."
- Nick Cave


Anonymous said...

Lazar je Ikar, zeli da dodirne sunce jer mu je puna kapa tame - takva mu cud.
Dobar vam dan i dobro nam dosli u nas svijet. Mi smo Ljudi. Nas svijet je stacioniran negdje u magli galaksije na pola puta izmedju materijalnog svijeta onakav kakav jeste i nase romanticarske interpretacije tog istog. Smisao naseg bitisanja mi kreiramo i krojimo u cinu bijega od proslosti ka buducnosti - od monotonije i staticne praznoce imperfektnih asocijativnosti truhljenja bez-zivotnih tijela, onog sto vise nije niti ce ikada biti ka uzbudljivoj avanturi u svjetlu svijeta mogucnosti sto, moze biti, "kao u snu" (EKV) lezi negdje ispred nas: "I don't know what it is but there is definitely something going on upstairs". Dobro nam dosli, mi smo Ljudi - Escapologists. Dobro nam dosli i eto vas... i neka vas - mi odosmo!