09 March 2009

I’ve been put in the frame

Slightly schizophrenic

10 kommentarer:

Igor said...

Evo ih opet, naslovi i podnaslovi su tu.
Da li da nastavim s njima ili je ipak bilo bolje bez naslova? Sta ti mislis?

Hardy Hum said...

Ako se glasa onda ja glasam za Za! U da leader of this moda***** so get to leadin' aight!

Anonymous said...

i ja sam za.

Anonymous said...

Planets wrote the day was due
All the wisest men around
"Predicted that a man was found
Who looked a lot like you and me, yeah
Everyone with sense could see
Nothing left his eye unmoved, he
Had the plan, he had to use
He's so divine, his soul shines
Breaks the night, sleep tight
His ever loving face smiles on the whole human race"

Bowie D.

Igor said...


I look for future in the past to understand the now
I look for future in the past to understand the now
Yeah I’ve been disciplined and punished
I’ve been put in the frame
Slightly schizophrenic, it’s just the part of the game

Sleepless, signs of weakness

We look for future in the past to understand the now
We look for future in the past to understand the now
We have a rendezvous with happiness at quarter to five
She’ll meet us at the last drop of bourbon and malt

Sleepless, signs of weakness

The Liminals

Igor said...

Me ne glasa se, nema ovdje demokratije. Samo sam htio cuti da li je mozda interesantnije bez naslova. Mislio sam da tako ostavljam vrata za tumacenje fotografije malo sire otvorena.
Ali ko ima vremena za to... idemo ovako do daljnjeg.

Hardy Hum said...

"I thought of my friends who had died of exposure"

Igor said...

"And I remembered other ones who had died from the lack of it"

Anonymous said...

pa zar nije to demokratija? ja/mi predlozim/o (glasamo za) nesto a oni rade po svom :)))

Igor said...

Vidi stvarno ;)